Altadena WeatherCam

34.204367, -118.138250, 1680' ASL, Looking North

Webcam image hosting courtesy of McTiger Weather, Alpharetta GA

Current Readings
Davis Vantage Pro2

at 13:55 on 26 July 2024
Temperature 90.4 °F Humidity 40 %
Wind Speed (Gust) 6.0 MPH Wind Direction (Gust) 202° (SSW)
Wind Speed (10 Min Avg) 3.0 MPH Wind Direction (10 Min Avg) 148° (SSE)
Barometer 29.869 In.Hg and Falling Rainfall 0.00 In. since Midnight
Sunrise 06:00 Sunset 19:59

Today's Extremes
Maximum Temperature 91.0 °F at 13:46 Minimum Temperature 71.0 °F at 03:06
Maximum Humidity 62 % at 07:18 Minimum Humidity 40 % at 13:09
High Pressure 29.949 In.Hg at 00:00 Low Pressure 29.869 In.Hg at 13:53
Rainfall Rate 0.00 In. Per Hour at 00:00 Maximum Wind Speed 11.0 MPH, 164° at 10:59

Yesterday's Extremes
Maximum Temperature 96.4 °F at 16:10 Minimum Temperature 70.4 °F at 01:59
Maximum Humidity 63 % at 06:13 Minimum Humidity 34 % at 16:11
High Pressure 30.049 In.Hg at 00:00 Low Pressure 29.915 In.Hg at 19:49
Rainfall Rate 0.00 In. Per Hour at 00:00 Maximum Wind Speed 12.0 MPH, 202° at 14:16
Rainfall 0.00 In.    

Season's Extremes

Maximum Temperature

96.8 °F at 3:16 PM on 05 July

Minimum Temperature 34.4 °F at 6:59 AM on 08 February
Maximum Humidity 95 % at 8:27 AM on 21 January
Minimum Humidity 13 % at 8:23 AM on 14 March
Maximum Wind Speed 41.0 MPH at 9:29 AM on 14 March
Total Rainfall This Season 0.02 In. Since July 1

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